One of the highly entertaining parts of this trip started with Doug's cousin Shandie (hope I spelled that right) who approached Doug and said "you don't look like a Doug, you look like a Paul. From now I'm calling you Paul." Doug responded by saying "Whatever you say, Geneveve. " Soon fake names became all the rage, and not just first names. Many family members ended up with fake first middle and last names. We feel it is our moral obligation to document those names now for all posterity.
Doug became Paul Bob Islanbratti Islanzatti
Shandie became Geneveve Rotorooter Plumber
Katelyn became Alberta Canada America
Mckenna became Esmerelda Meliphicent Joel
Kelsey became Diana Moody Meedy
Teresa became Fransisca Fransisco Fransiscall
Steve became Fargo Fancy Feast
Eric became Versatile Lavatry Camilleon Barnibus Shofarnigus Bill (or Barnibus Shofarnigus Bill for short)
Julie Became Mayflocker Crunchy Ada Macintosh
Heather became Allioutious Delicious Nutritious
We would also like to take a moment to share a few Audrey stories. While attending church, we sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic. When we came home from church, Audrey started singing "Glory Glory Hallelujah" but this soon turned into "Glory Glory How are you-a." If that weren't enough she soon changed it around and started saying "How are you, glory glory."
Last night, we were putting her to bed. Doug had read her a story and was about to sing her a song and put her to bed, when she requested a second book. Doug replied that we were going to sing a song. At this point Audrey smiled a big smile and said "how bout little engine that could, Dad's FAVORITE." Doug couldn't help grinning at this comment, and of course, gave in and read The little engine that could. Audrey is now sleeping in a bed, and has a tendency of climbing out of her bed, coming to the door, and yelling, "Momma, Daddy, Open the Door" or "Momma Daddy, what are you doing?" We usually ignore this, in hopes that she will crawl in bed. Last night, however, it continued until almost 10:00. Doug decided to go put her back in bed, and try to calm her down. When he went in, the room was pitch black (we don't use a nightlight) and Audrey wasn't making a peep. Doug couldn't find Audrey, so he asked where she was, and he heard a noise back by the door. He went back to the door, but still couldn't find her, so he turned on the light. To his surprise, she was sitting in the top bunk (which is pretty much full of storage boxes and toys at this point) grinning from ear to ear. We have no idea how she got up there. There is no ladder, and so getting up was no easy task. There is also no way for her to get down, especially in the dark. She was stuck. Who knows how long she was yelling our names because she needed help. I guess we won't be ignoring her yelling as much in the future.
Well, sorry this post has been so random. Perhaps it reflects the crazy fun nature of our lives these days.